Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Low Carb Staple: Fried Eggs with Chives and Crispy Bacon

Afternoon! This morning I made a quick but filling breakfast of fried eggs and bacon:

I added about a tbsp of Kerrygold butter to a nonstick pan on medium heat. When the butter sizzled, I cracked two large eggs into it. I let them cook until the outside of the whites turned brownish. With a spatula, I flipped the eggs over gently. Try not to break the yolks. Sometimes you have to jiggle the pan to get the egg onto the spatula enough. Then I topped one of the eggs with a 2% milk american cheese slice. When the other sides were done I put the egg with cheese on the plate first, then slid the bare one on top. One slice is just enough. I topped the eggs with some freeze dried chives. The bacon is uncured. I made 4 slices instead of my usual three because these were smaller. I cooked them for 4 minutes in the microwave with just one paper towel on top. If you want the bacon less crispy, do 3 minutes. There is enough salt in the cheese to justify not adding salt to the eggs, but you can if you want to. You can add some salt substitute if you want some extra potassium. I forgot to add some freshly ground pepper, but you can add that too. Anyway, it was delicious and it keeps me full for hours.

Hopefully tonight's post will be the sushi aftermath!

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