Saturday, February 17, 2018

Ham and Split Pea Soup

Ham and Split Pea Soup
A Comfort Food Favorite

After Christmas I had the leftovers of a honey baked ham bone with a bit of meat still on it. I used the ham bone to flavor the soup.

leftover thick slices of ham, diced
32 oz. bag dried split green peas
32 oz. chicken or veggie broth
Honey Baked Ham bone
2 white or sweet onions, quartered
A sprig of Thyme
2 veggie bullion cubes

Place the ham bone in a large soup or stock pot. Dump in containers of broth, and fill the rest of the way with water until ham bone is submerged. Bring to a low boil. Add bullion, peas, and onions. Cover and allow to boil until peas are hydrated and soft and total liquid volume is reduced by 1/4. Add Thyme. Remove ham bone and add in diced ham. Add in any bits of ham off the bone. Discard bone. Stir/cook until peas sort of break down and soup is thick.

Note: croutons are a topping option for non low-carb family/friends. The peas may be a bit high in carbs, so eat about 12 oz. max at a time. 

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