Saturday, February 17, 2018

Minnesota-Style Hot Dish (aka the Ultimate Comfort Food)

I had seen an article about the midwestern staple "hot dish" on Tasty. The author was trying to capture the essence of what exactly a hot dish was. A hot dish is a one dish dinner casserole. It commonly includes a protein, like chicken, sausage, or ground beef, coupled with some veggies, and paired with a carb (potatoes, rice, or corn) in some sort of sauce. I wanted to try my hand at a hot dish to combat the cold, dreary February weather. Feel free to change or substitute things in this recipe to your heart's desire.
Midwestern Style Hotdish

2 bags Green Giant cauliflower tots, defrosted in the oven
1 lb. ground beef, sausage, or chicken
1 family sized can Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup (22.6 oz)
32 oz. frozen mixed veggies (a blend of broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, carrots, and mushrooms is a great one)
a garlic and herb seasoning mix

Cook ground meat sprinkled with seasoning mix until no pink remains. Steam veggies in the microwave until defrosted/warm. Mix soup, ground meat, and veggies in a casserole pan. Smooth mixture. Arrange cauliflower tots in an even layer over the casserole. Spray lightly with oil and sprinkle with an herb mixture. Bake at 350F until tots are golden brown. Serve with a garden salad with an italian or greek vinaigrette.

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