Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Quick Snack: Toasted Sunflower Seeds

Toasted Sunflower Seeds

On the left: raw hulled sunflower seeds. On the right: roasted and salted.

Hulled sunflower seeds are only 4g of carbs per 1/4 of a cup. And believe me, 1/4 is a lot more than you expect. These little suckers are satisfying. Mine came raw, but you can buy already roasted and salted. Here's what I did with my raw ones. I took a small baking sheet (one small enough to fit into my toaster oven), lined it with foil, and poured on 1/4 c. raw hulled sunflower seeds, coated them with about 1 Tbsp. oil (anything but EVOO) and a dash of salt, spread them evenly, and toasted them for a few minutes. I put my toaster on about 5. That was a tad too much, as you can see here mine burned a bit. I'd say go for about a 3 or 4 setting. You may need to experiment with your toaster. You'll know they're done when they turn a medium to light brown color. You can even add a bit of garlic powder or black pepper if you so incline. These were very yummy. I couldn't even finish the whole 1/4 cup, that's how satisfying they are. Sometimes you need something crunchy and salty. They're great on salad too.

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